Update Digital Signature on MCA government website / Select Certificate button disabled / Error No certificate selected
So as every year, we are in the midst of annual filings and government filings with ever increasing complexities for income tax, MCA (registrar of companies), GST, etc.
Today, I am going to talk about how to update your digital signature on the MCA website. Most signatures expire in a year or two. You can't sign the e-forms unless you have updated your current digital signature with MCA website.
As everything else with the government, the website is dated now and hasn't upgraded itself since its first launch.
You may face multiple errors and problems before you are able to successfully update your digital signature on the MCA website. I hope the guide below will make your life easier and help you update the digital signature with less hassle.
1. You must use INTERNET EXPLORER 9 AND ABOVE. Do not use Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc. I use Internet Explorer 11.
2. The MCA site is located at http://www.mca.gov.in
3. First add this site as a TRUSTED SITE in Internet Explorer. Go to Settings - Internet Options - Security Tab - Click on Trusted Sites tickmark - Click on the SITES button. Enter http://mca.gov.in in the text box provided. Uncheck "require server verification (https)" option. Click on ADD and close after adding successfully.
4. Next, you need to add this in JAVA in the EXCEPTION SITE List - open Java - type "Configure JAVA" and the Java configuration dialog box will open. Click on Security Tab - and then Edit Site List button - add "http://www.mca.gov.in" over here. You will now see this site in the exception site list.
5. Click on "RESTORE SECURITY PROMPTS" button and restore all prompts.
6. MCA site requires JAVA 6 update 30 - you need to download this from Oracle website - Java Archive page. You need to register on Oracle with an email address to download this file. The link is http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-downloads-javase6-419409.html - scroll down till you find Java SE Runtime Environment 6u30 and click on "Accept License agreement". After this - choose jre-6u30-windows-i586.exe and download the file.
7. Install this Java version.
8. Open Configure Java again and click on Java tab and then "VIEW" button. Enable this version of Java that you download and disable any other version of Java that is also installed.
9. Now you are more or less ready to update your DSC.
10. Go to the MCA site and from MCA Services - choose option Associate DSC.
11. Choose role as Director and then enter DIN number in the text box.
12. You will get a prompt saying it's already registered and do you wish to update. Say yes.
13. You need to fill in the correct details of your DIN and only then it will allow you to go forward.
14. Clicking on NEXT will bring up the Java dialog box - tick the checkbox and say continue.
15. It will ask you whether to use latest version or requested version 6 update 30 - choose requested version.
16. Now your DSC should become visible and you should be able to enter the DSC password and select it.
17. To update it - if you are already registered - MCA site will also ask you for the question and answer hint - before it will update the DSC.
Good luck!
Today, I am going to talk about how to update your digital signature on the MCA website. Most signatures expire in a year or two. You can't sign the e-forms unless you have updated your current digital signature with MCA website.
As everything else with the government, the website is dated now and hasn't upgraded itself since its first launch.
You may face multiple errors and problems before you are able to successfully update your digital signature on the MCA website. I hope the guide below will make your life easier and help you update the digital signature with less hassle.
1. You must use INTERNET EXPLORER 9 AND ABOVE. Do not use Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc. I use Internet Explorer 11.
2. The MCA site is located at http://www.mca.gov.in
3. First add this site as a TRUSTED SITE in Internet Explorer. Go to Settings - Internet Options - Security Tab - Click on Trusted Sites tickmark - Click on the SITES button. Enter http://mca.gov.in in the text box provided. Uncheck "require server verification (https)" option. Click on ADD and close after adding successfully.
4. Next, you need to add this in JAVA in the EXCEPTION SITE List - open Java - type "Configure JAVA" and the Java configuration dialog box will open. Click on Security Tab - and then Edit Site List button - add "http://www.mca.gov.in" over here. You will now see this site in the exception site list.
5. Click on "RESTORE SECURITY PROMPTS" button and restore all prompts.
6. MCA site requires JAVA 6 update 30 - you need to download this from Oracle website - Java Archive page. You need to register on Oracle with an email address to download this file. The link is http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-downloads-javase6-419409.html - scroll down till you find Java SE Runtime Environment 6u30 and click on "Accept License agreement". After this - choose jre-6u30-windows-i586.exe and download the file.
7. Install this Java version.
8. Open Configure Java again and click on Java tab and then "VIEW" button. Enable this version of Java that you download and disable any other version of Java that is also installed.
9. Now you are more or less ready to update your DSC.
10. Go to the MCA site and from MCA Services - choose option Associate DSC.
11. Choose role as Director and then enter DIN number in the text box.
12. You will get a prompt saying it's already registered and do you wish to update. Say yes.
13. You need to fill in the correct details of your DIN and only then it will allow you to go forward.
14. Clicking on NEXT will bring up the Java dialog box - tick the checkbox and say continue.
15. It will ask you whether to use latest version or requested version 6 update 30 - choose requested version.
16. Now your DSC should become visible and you should be able to enter the DSC password and select it.
17. To update it - if you are already registered - MCA site will also ask you for the question and answer hint - before it will update the DSC.
Good luck!