E-filing India Income Tax Return Incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in (fakepath error, null error)

As all those of you in the accounts and audit profession may be aware, the corporate Income Tax returns are due by September 30th. It is mandatory for the returns to be digitally signed for corporate assesses.

As usual in the last minute rush, the biggest problem is when you are not able to upload the return due to an error in the incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in website.

Here are two common errors and their solutions:

Can not read the file for signing c:\fakepath\xxxx.xml

The problem is with Internet Explorer - to solve this problem - add "https://www.incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in" website to your Trusted Sites - by going to "Tools -> Internet Options". Once you do this - the problem will go away!!

Error in Upload of ITR
Error in parsing XML file. please upload correct XML return

For this error, make sure that the email address mentioned in the Profile under MyAccount is the same as that which is mentioned in the return. If not update the email address and logout. Login afresh and try to upload again.

Please don't forget to update your digital signature in the MyAccount section of the website.


1000 thanks to you.. i struggled for more than an hour and with your help i completed the work

thanks a lot once again
Anand said…
Thank you!